6 Main Causes Of Prostate Enlargement

6 Main Causes Of Prostate Enlargement

Prostate problems are affecting men at younger and younger ages. Unfortunately, these disorders are now beginning after about age 35.

What are the main causes of prostate enlargement?

A diet with too little fiber
A high fat diet
Too much caffeine
Too much alcohol
Too much smoking
Imbalanced hormones such as altered testosterone levels and elevated estrogen levels due to prostaglandin and essential fatty acid depletion Lack of exercise.

Studies have shown that a man must think through his decision before having a vasectomy. There is a larger risk of cancer of the prostate in vasectomized men. Why, do you ask? Sperm builds up due to the sealed off vas deferens. With this build up, the body reabsorbs the sperm and the body is prone to having an autoimmune response to its own tissue. Since the testicles are known as a very powerful energy focal point in a man’s life force, when something interferes with the free flowing movement of sperm, this means energy is blocked and not flowing as it should either. Eventually this results in degeneration. Stagnation, if you will.

The liver is also affected from a vasectomy by causing blockage that leads to built up anger and irritability, the emotion related to an ill liver, and also leads to an inflamed prostate, abdominal pain, and sciatica or leg cramps.

When the prostate is inflamed, sexual intercourse is not recommended since it will irritate the prostate further and delay recovery.

The liver is the filter of hormones. And since the liver regenerates every 90 days, and hormone levels are crucial to prostate health, use the following combination to prevent and help the body heal from prostate inflammation, balance hormones, and elevate mood.

Symptoms of enlarged prostate can include:

A weak or slow urinary stream
A feeling of incomplete bladder emptying
Difficulty starting urination
Frequent urination
Urgency to urinate
Getting up frequently at night to urinate
A urinary stream that starts and stops
Straining to urinate
Continued dribbling of urine
Returning to urinate again minutes after finishing